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Stress - Digital Download


Stress. It seems to be a universal experience and it seems like we know all there is to know about it, but what if we are missing something fundamental about how it works?

Something that means our attempts to tackle stress, while well-meaning enough, are actually not helping in the long term? Is it possible to live a life free from the effects of stress? Under any circumstances?

In this 1h45m video masterclass we find out, as we cover:

  • Three common, obvious, disempowering misconceptions we have about stress

  • The surprising neuroscience of stress

  • How to get stress to work to your advantage

  • Why understanding is the key to a stress-free life

  • The paradoxical way that extreme stress events can help us

  • Being free from the effects of stress, whatever situation we're in

🎁 BONUS CONTENT: An additional chapter from my book is included, called “Switching stress off at its source”

GBP 15
Total due GBP 15

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After purchase, you'll also receive an email with the video embedded. Enjoy!